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Help 7.3 Upload a new Ride Calendar

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Introduction: Every quarter, the club produces a ride calendar for the next season. Members who are authorised to upload a new ride calendar can now upload it directly to the server. The documents manager will create a database entry for the calendar and allow you to upload both the master word document and PDF to the server in one operation. The new ride calendar will instantly appear in the non-members calendar page and the members area Club Information area under Calendar sub-menu. The non-members area will only show the two most recent calendars where the members area will show all available calendars.


Adding a New Ride Calendar


Note: The member must be given administrator or calendar editor permissions in security to be able to access this function.


Use the Microsoft word template provided in the ZIP package (logon Members Area, Club Information TAB then Software sub-menu to get the package)  to create the ride calendar for the quarter using Microsoft Word. Install a Word to PDF converter (See CUTEPDF - logon Members Area, Club Information TAB then Software sub-menu to get the package). When the word document is complete, then print the document and select CUTEPDF as the printer - it will then ask you what name to give the PDF document. You should now have two documents, one Word document and one PDF document ready for uploading. 1) Logon to the members area of the website then select the administration TAB.


2) Select the Documents Maintenance program from the administration page.


3) Press the Add a Ride Calendar button. The panel in figure 1 will appear as shown below.

Figure 1 - Upload a Ride Calendar panel


4) For Calendar Quarter, select the season from the drop-down box. The example in figure 1 above shows "Winter" as the current value. Note that the default value will change depending on today's date and the program will anticipate which quarter calendar is likely to be uploaded based on today's date.


5) For Calendar Year, select the year from the drop-down box. The example in figure 1 above shows "2014" as the current year for the calendar based on today's date.


Sunshine Coast Bicycle Touring Club - Help - Help 7.3 Upload a new Ride Calendar

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Help 7.3 Upload a new Ride Calendar

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6) In the field marked "Upload Word Document", press the Browse button to the right of this field and navigate to the word document on your hard drive that contains the quarterly ride calendar. The name of the document selected will appear in the field just to the left of the browse button.


7) In the field marked "Upload PDF Document", press the Browse button to the right of this field and navigate to the Adobe Acrobat document on your hard drive that contains the quarterly ride calendar. The name of the document selected will appear in the field just to the left of the browse button.


8) Press the Upload Calendar button as shown in figure 1. There could be a couple of minutes wait while the document(s) are uploading. When complete the message shown in the box in figure 2 should be displayed.


Figure 2 - Calendar Upload Successful


The PDF version should immediately be available for download off the internet from off the non-members area calendar page, or the calendar page in club information in the members area providing you have selected a document in step 7 above. If the document needs to be replaced, follow the checkin and checkout rules as covered in document 7.2 Upload New/Replacement documents.